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Who Are We?

The Greensboro Academy Boosters is an independent 501c(3) organization meaning we operate as a tax-exempt non-profit. Our mission is to assist the Greensboro Academy Community by fostering an environment conducive to academic excellence, high moral character and parental involvement in order to provide every student with the best possible education. Having a child who is enrolled at Greensboro Academy, you are automatically a member of the Greensboro Academy Boosters. The Greensboro Academy Leadership Team is the board of directors for the Boosters. The parent members are elected every spring. Staff and administration representatives serve on the Leadership Team as well.

2024-2025 Booster Leadership Team


President – Caroline Eachus

Vice President – Tiffany Tuleck

Secretary – Shannon Martin

Treasurer – Jen Farino

Assistant Treasurer – Mohammad Awartani


Principal – Tracey Duhaime

Dean Rep. – Tara Chandler


Academics – Amy Leach and Neeta Gupta

Athletics – Kelly Cutts and Chris Wojtek

Elementary – Beth Frace and Jocelyn Allen

Extra-Curricular – Miranda Reavis and Kendall Dobra

Middle School – Erica Reichard and Lindsey Blackwell

Staff Relations – Amy Clark and Sarah Cheffy

Meeting Dates

Tuesday 9/10     1 pm

Tuesday 10/1     7 pm

Tuesday 11/ 5    1 pm

Tuesday 12/ 3    7 pm

Tuesday 1/ 7      1 pm

Tuesday 2/ 4      7 pm

Tuesday 3/ 4      1 pm

Tuesday 4/1       7 pm

Tuesday 5/ 6      1 pm

Tuesday 6/3       7 pm

*Dates and times are subject to change if the need arises. 

How Can You Help?

The level of commitment within the Boosters’ organization depends on each family’s time, talents, and willingness. Many different levels of commitment benefit the school. Here are just a few:

  • Actively participating as a member of the GA Leadership Team

  • Soliciting donations for teacher appreciation week

  • Supervising a dance or other social event

  • Baking a cake for a staff member’s birthday

  • Covering lunch duty for a teacher one time per week, month, quarter, etc.

  • Organizing hot lunches that are delivered to the classroom

  • Becoming a moral focus classroom coach

  • Facilitating a reading or math group for children working at or below grade level

  • Copying documents that are used by teachers and staff

  • Providing handy-man type services when necessary



In addition to the donations of time, the Boosters’ organization relies on other donations throughout the year. Look for opportunities to donate food for teacher luncheons, items for social events, books for the library, as well as money for scholarships and to help fund all of our programs.


The Greensboro Academy Boosters host fundraisers each fall and spring. We also receive a portion of the proceeds from the Hot Lunch program, Edukit purchases as well as box top collections, shopping discount cards, book fairs and employer matching programs. The funds raised are invested in Greensboro Academy to sponsor school dances, extracurricular programs like Create It and athletic team uniforms, as well as spelling bees and science fairs. In past years, the Boosters has also provided money for the following school-wide improvements:

  • 90 laptop computers & rolling storage carts

  • Science tables for 5th and 6th grades

  • Risers for music program

How To Get Involved?

There are many ways to get involved and you can jump in anytime! You can start by visiting our website to catch up on all the events and programs currently sponsored by the boosters. 

We are currently looking for a few men or women to join the leadership team to help coordinate booster events and activities. If interested, please fill out this interest form:


Booster Leadership Team Committees and Job Descriptions

GA Booster Officer Positions

  • President: Presides at all meetings of the Leadership Team, coordinates the work of officers, signs all expense forms that are approved by the team, works closely with the Principal and Deans to ensure the Vision and Mission of Boosters is met. Actively promotes the Boosters to parents and encourages involvement.

  • Vice President: Assumes responsibility of President when absent. This position would assume nomination as President the coming year. Actively promotes the Boosters to parents and encourages involvement.

  • Treasurer: Responsible for receipts and disbursements of the organization, annually assists in creating a budget for each committee and files any federal/state taxation reports. Actively promotes the Boosters to parents and encourages involvement.

  • Assistant Treasurer: Assists the Treasurer and assumes Treasurer’s responsibilities when absent. Collects funds turned in and makes deposits. Collects lunch invoices and gives to Hot Lunch Chair on a monthly basis. Actively promotes the Boosters to parents and encourages involvement.

  • Secretary: Creates agenda and records minutes at all meetings of the Leadership Team and maintains official documents of the team. Actively promotes the Boosters to parents and encourages involvement


GA Booster Committees


  • Functions of the academic committee may include, but are not limited to: Science Fair, NJHS, Create It, Spelling Bee, Visiting Author

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Science Fair Coordinator - Assist Science Teacher with Science Fair application, etc.

  • NJHS Coordinator - Assist NJHS Lead Teacher with Tutoring.

  • Create It Coordinator - Assist Create It Teacher with communication, judging and recognition.

  • Spelling Bee Coordinator - Assist Spelling Bee Teacher with communication, judging and recognition.

  • Visiting Author - Assists Librarian with identifying Visiting Author

  • Birthday Book Coordinator - Celebrate Birthdays with Books!


  • This includes school store, 5th grade promotion and 8th grade graduation. This position also keeps in touch with alumni association and helps coordinate alumni events (dodgeball, reunion) during the year.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • School Store/Spiritwear Coordinator - Create hours of operation and communicate to parent population. Recruit volunteers to work.

  • 8th Grade Graduation Coordinator - Organize graduation and recruit volunteers as needed.

  • 5th Grade Promotion Coordinator - Organize promotion and recruit volunteers as needed.

  • Alumni Social Event Coordinator - Reach out to alumni association and assist with events.

Moral Focus & Community Relations

  • This position ensures that this Pillar of our school charter is achieved. Many volunteers are needed to ensure the children receive adequate education on the monthly virtue. Moral Focus is the Chair. Community Relations would be a coordinator position.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Classroom Coach Coordinator - Work closely with chair and communicate with volunteer coaches as needed

  • Classroom Coach Volunteer - Teach moral focus curriculum either alone or as part of a team as needed on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

  • Elementary School outreach/community relations - work with chair to locate community outreach student volunteer opportunities.

  • Middle School outreach/community relations - work with chair to identify community outreach student volunteer opportunities.

Middle School

  • This includes coordinating offsite and onsite fun activities for the students.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Social Event Coordinator - Assists Middle School chair in organizing fun activities.

  • Outreach Events Coordinator - Assists Middle School chair in organizing outreach events for students (ie, Out of the Garden, etc.)

  • Winter Dance Coordinator - Assists Middle School chair in organizing Winter Dance

​Elementary School

This includes coordinating offsite and onsite fun activities for the students.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Social Event Coordinator - Assists Elementary School chair in organizing fun activities.

  • Winter Dance Coordinator- Assists Elementary chair in organizing Winter Dance


  • This includes identifying sports that should be offered, maintaining a balance between male and female sport offerings.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed. Oversees branding of athletic apparel and coordinates production of takeaway jerseys. Works closely with the Athletic Director during sports seasons to determine participation fee for each sport.  Releases funds monthly to cover costs.


  • These activities can include: Fall Fundraiser, Di'Lishi, EVic, Annual Color Run

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Color Run Planning Committee Member - help organize the greatest run in Greensboro!

  • Corporate Donations Coordinator (EVic, Amazon Smiles,, etc.) - promotes linking EVIC Cards and Amazon Smiles account

  • Fall Fundraiser Planning Committee Member - help identify best fall fundraising activity and assist in organizing.

  • Edukit Coordinator- Coordinate with outside vendor to review supply list and create kit for purchase. Organize distribution date. Obtain volunteers as necessary.

  • Di'Lishi Spirit Day Coordinator - Coordinates a monthly spirit day with Di'Lishi

  • Box Tops Coordinator - Keeps track of and submits Box Tops

  • Spirit Night Coordinator - Coordinates Spirit Nights at local restaurants (ie, Maxie B's, Texas Roadhouse, Natty Greene's, etc.


  • This can include: Drama Kids, PSP, Crazy Running, Lego Club, etc.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Oversees vendors and creates an onsite agreement. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Talent Show Coordinator - Identify date, receive approval, recruit volunteers, host 2 practice sessions and organize evening

  • Talent Show Volunteer - Assist Coordinator with event.

  • Teacher Led After School Clubs - Works with staff to create after school clubs for children

  • Outside Vendor After School Clubs - Work with outside vendors to create a balanced mix of enhanced programs to be offered to students. This includes obtaining proper paperwork from vendors and securing agreements.

Parent Relations

  • Responsible for oversight of the website, benevolence, lost and found, front sign postings, parent room, carpool coordination and parent events.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Parent Relations Coordinator - Assist Parent Relations Chair with in house communication.

  • Benevolence - Identify parents who have experienced a loss or significant illness and reach out.

  • Lost and Found - Manage the lost and found.

  • Front Sign Postings - Post signage for front office.

  • Parent Room - Keep parent room tidy.

  • Carpool Coordinator - Assist Principal and Front Office with Carpool Improvements.

  • Parent Events - Coordinate onsite seminars for parents.

  • Uniform Swap


​Staff Relations

  • Responsible for organizing staff luncheons and teacher appreciation week. The Chair of this committee attends Monthly meetings.

  • Chair - Attends monthly meeting and has voting rights. Plans, monitors and executes budget. Recruits volunteers. Assist volunteers when needed.

  • Teacher Luncheon Assistant - Assist chair with teacher luncheons

  • Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteer - help obtain corporate donations for teacher appreciation week

  • Birthday Cake Coordinator - Recruit volunteers for teachers' birthday cakes

  • Birthday Cake Committee (bake/buy cakes for teachers' birthdays)

  • Sunshine Committee - Identify staff who have experienced a loss or significant illness and reach out.

© 2024 by GA Boosters


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